Sunday, June 8, 2008

Full. Metal. Jacket.

"I am so happy that I am alive, in one piece and short. I'm in a world of shit... yes. But I am alive. And I am not afraid."

It was one lazy sunday afternoon that i couldnt sleep so i decided to watch anything on t.v. at first I was thinking of opening my playstation since I havent played with it in a long time or doing another DVD run of Sex in the City episodes. As I turned it on I hit channel 9 for C/S. And caught Bones. It was actually over and they previewed the next show. Which is the movie on the photo shown above. It was a war movie. I have a heart for these kinds of movie, since they involved male soldiers going to war. But not expecting anything special. I was wrong. It was a good movie after all. I have never watch anything like it since Forest Gump and Band of Brother's, but those were different. THeres something about this movie that i couldnt explain and I need to write about. THe plot was nicely done. It started off simple, with these recruites heads being shaved as they entered the army until scene after scene you get to know them. I didnt liked the characters at all theyre all ashholes. Yet I loved the movie in the sense that it made me hate it and love it in both ways. I also downloaded the soundtrack on Limewire. THose were good too. I deeply recommend this movie to everyone who thinks theyre living a life full of shit. ANd watch out for this line:

Private Gomer Pyle: Seven-six-two millimeter. Full. Metal. Jacket.

I was not actually prepared for that scene. Its worth to watch. Its an eye openner of some kind. It will make you think and realize things you normally dont care about.

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